The Axiom is a grass roots belief system that offers an alternative approach and perspective to the very complicated subject of GOD.
The Axiom was given to me to share with anyone willing to listen with an open Heart and open Mind. It is for anyone willing to question the religious norms and anyone looking for a Simple and Relatable explanation to the very complicated topic of GOD.
Who am I? I am B, and I have spent the past few years meditating on this topic. I asked a series of questions and listened for answers. In the end, the words within The Axiom are the answers I received. The following is not my opinion, but rather the answers to questions I asked GOD.
The knowledge is True, as I have come to understand it, and is for you to Have or Not Have. The hearing, of course, is your choice. Just as it has always been.
The Axiom contains the answers to the following four questions that I asked GOD:
Who is GOD?
What does GOD want from US?
What is MY purpose?
What is OUR purpose?
What if …. the answers I received were:
Surprisingly CLEAR
The Axiom contains the answers I received.
As an example, a partial answer to the first question “Who is GOD?” is as follows:
GOD is a name. Throughout time GOD has gone by many names.
You can use whatever word makes you comfortable, if any. The word we put here is not important. I see it as “Fill in the Blank.” Throughout this text, I will “Fill in the Blank” with the word GOD.
So, Question Number 1: Who is GOD?
This is how it was explained to me . . . .
is Everyone.
Everyone who Is,
Everyone who has Been,
Everyone who will EVER BE.
WE are ALL a part of
Just as all the INDIVIDUAL grains of sand create the beach ....
We are all Individuals who collectively create GOD.
But wait, there is more . . . .
The Treatise explains The Axiom in more detil, including the full answers to all four questions I asked GOD . If you are interested in learning more, you can download the entire 53 page booklet by clicking on the link below and providing a nominal charitable donation to The Axiom's non-profit organization.